Aakash Tablet Delivery Delayed Aakash Tablet, available for sale online on December 15, was supposed to be delivered within a week of its booking. Two days ago the manufacturer, DataWind, announced that Aakash was sold out. Now the latest update from the company is that people who booked Aakash Tablet online will have to wait for the delivery till January 2012. However, the reason behind the delay is not mentioned. All the students and other people who have been waiting excitingly to have the first touch of their dream tablet, Aakash, have to wait till next month. Those who are disappointed for Aakash being sold out still have a chance to pre-book UbiSlate, upgraded version of Aakash, through its official website at Rs 2,999 which is just Rs 499 more than the original version. The upgraded version is powered by Android 2.3 and is more powerful than the original one. UbiSlate will have a a resistive touchscree...