Strategy for new neon bottle of mountain dew


Mountain Dew - Packaging - the new innovative ways- A Pepsi Way

Recently in the Indian market we have been witnessing a lot of company's trying to alter the Product as a P from the marketing mix of 4 P's available with them and in the product too recently I witnessed two new and innovations from one of the biggest marketer's of the FMCG world, these are from the stable of Pepsi with a brand new package being launched for a limited amount of time for its soft drink specifically positioned for youth who love to lead an adventurous life with the Mountain Dew coming in a brand new avtaar in the form of a bottle that is made from a material which glows in the nights i.e. a new neon package has been launched by the firm for a limited amount of time and the other one is the launch of Rocket pack on the occasion of Diwali as a gift pack option.

The innovation being introduced by Mountain Dew brand of Pepsi Co is one of its kind and this kind of a packaging has not been tried in India prior to this by any other company and this is surely going to give a boost to this already successful brand which surely stands out for its daring, bold and can-do-attitude spirit which is being further enhanced by this new launch as the commercial of this ad clearly shows the brand ambassador Salman Khan exploring the dark caves and when he reaches a point where there is no light then he brings out his new Mountain Dew Neon pack which glows in the dark and then helps him navigate his way through the dark cave and overcome the dear of darkness. This pack is also going to boost the sales and the already macho and a dare devil image of the brand. And as this pack has been initially launched as a limited edition only so it a bound to make the consumers think about this new innovation and make them try this and to find out how this new innovation is really going to have an impact on the kind of fears people have related to darkness and how it can help them overcome those fears.
This point is very well communicated by the celebrity in the ad itself when he says: - 
"Everyone has been scared of the dark at some point in their lives. Andhere aur darr ki purani dosti hai, ek ko bhagao with the new Limited Edition Mountain Dew Neon Pack aur doosra khud bhag jayega."
The other commercial in this series of ad campaign shows Salman saying that: 
"In darkness the fear rises up and  and if we can make the darkness go to sleep then we can overcome the fear of darkness"

Both these commercials clearly communicate what the company wants to communicate with the customers and it is also enhancing the already built up positioning of the brand Mountain Dew as a brand that is for the people who love to overcome their fears and who love to lead an adventurous life.
And this initiative of Pepsi Co is backed up by communicating the same through all the different media available in the market there by making it a campaign using the Integrated marketing communication concept where all the media are used in tandem to create a single and an effective image in the market.
This step of communicating that positioning of a brand by using the packaging of a brand is a real innovative step that has been chosen by Pepsi Co in this case.
Really a innovative and a bold move on their part. Now lets wait and watch how much success this new launch gets in the market.
One more innovative launch by Pepsi Co came on this Diwali Season with the company coming up with the new Rocket pack which clearly associates with the festival of Diwali as the Indian public has an affinity towards crackers and they usually have a great time bursting those crackers and rocket shape crackers form a  great part of the festivity and by identifying this trend Pepsi Co came up with the new innovation in which they came up with Rocket shaped packaged gift packs which were priced at a reasonable price of Rs. 100 per pack. This shows that how these global majors are localising their marketing efforts so that they can establish a direct connect with the audience and there by ensure the success of their marketing efforts.

Both these innovations show that the companies do not need to launch the new products always to be considered innovative, but the innovations mentioned above in terms of packaging also get the firms to be considered an innovative firm and many such initiatives in terms of all the P's of the marketing mix present the  opportunities to the marketer's to play with and thereby develop a better connect with the customers.




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