Organizational behavior at PepsiCo

THE BIGGEST HURDLE FOR MOST MINORITIES IN CORPORATE America is not getting hired, it's retention and advancement--particularly for minorities who are middle managers looking to move into senior level positions.
Ron Parker, PepsiCo's senior vice president for human resources, believes that a major disconnect between company management and minority is culture--both associated with race and a company's environment. Managing the corporate culture forces employees to understand the performance mandates of their position in the context of the company's political structure. With issues of race, cultural differences can discourage open communications between associates, which is crucial for company growth. For example, some minorities may not ask necessary performance questions, because they don't want to be perceived as inadequate. Conversely, some managers are reluctant to offer feedback to minority employees for fear of being seen as racist.
"Sometimes, information is not being withheld deliberately but culturally." Offers Maurice Cox, Vice President for diversity and development. As a result, PepsiCo has included training in organizational behavior to its repertoire of diversity workshops.
Sample workshops include topics such as how to give and receive feedback, how to develop and leverage your internal relationships with mentors and other associates, and how to manage your personal profile within the company.
What sets this initiative apart is PepsiCo's requirement that individual managers are reviewed based on goals they set before going through diversity training. Before the workshops, the company runs a manager quality index survey to take the pulse of how managers are faring in effectively communicating with their employees.
"In the survey we ask how does a manager constructively address performance issues; how effective is he with working with people different from himself; does a manager support diversity? "says Parker.
Parker explains that these questions are designed to help managers set personal goals for how best to manage a diverse workforce. The responses are incorporated into each manager's performance review.


  1. Yahoo was founded in 1994 by two friends at Stanford University, David Filo and Jerry Yang.

    In January of 2000 Yahoo stock was valued at $235 a share; by mid-2001 it had plummeted to less than $11 per share.

    When Semel replaced Tim Koogle as CEO in April of 2001,Terry was not looking for a job, he was looking for a challenge.

    By mid-2004, only three years after Semel joined Yahoo, the company was in a complete turnaround on all fronts. Its annual revenues doubled from $717 million to $1.4 billion; stock prices rose to more than $40 per share; and for the first time ever, the company appeared on Fortune magazine's annual list of the thousand largest corporations in the United States. The new-and-improved Yahoo was attracting 133 million registered users a month, and more than 150,000 advertisers had come on board. Semel the media mogul had become Semel the on-line mastermind, and as BusinessWeek proclaimed in late 2003, investors were once again saying "Yahoo!"

    Because of all these reasons all people backed him and trust his ability to take decisions.

    At that time what he thought right, he did.

    Like:- focusing on media & entertainment company,thus leaving a window in the field of search engine which led to the rise of "GOOGLE"

    Not buying Google by paying more
    Needed more funds at that time.
    Current market positions & holding of Google.
    Doing well himself in field of search engine.

    ROLL NO:1012029

  2. transparency should be there in any firm .
    pepsico has done a good job in employing that and maintaining a good relation ship between the minorities(employees) and the managers !!
    and the result of this is in front of us pepsico in one of the leading soft drink manufacturers of the world
    Amandeep Singh

  3. yogesh rana mba 1(a)
    mistake no 3
    yahoo is not able to buy facebook because at that time face book is not so popular among the internet user and yahoo dont know about their dominence in internet in future and with aim to low down the cost yahoo gave a counter offer of $800 million and yahoo missed the chance to buy the facebook today facebook is very popular among the internet user in the world.

  4. This post has been removed by the author.

    MBA (IB)

    Late last year2006, takeover talks between Yahoo and Facebook fell apart after the social-networking site rejected Yahoo's $1 billion offer. Yahoo was reportedly prepared to offer up to $1.62 billion, but a facebook analyst says that valuation was based on far too conservative estimates, and that Yahoo's failure to seal the Facebook deal could be on par with its infamous decision to not buy Google when it had the chance.

  6. mistake no.2
    overture services, inc was global leader in pay for performance search on internet at that time. overture came up with an idea of paid search solution and get it patent. yahoo wanted to buy overture because '361 patent' effectively granted it right to monopolize the lucrative US paid search market and subsequently dictated the evolution of global paid search market.but yahoo didn't take up rapid action to buy overture because at that time Google and Miva chose to challenge overture for patent in the court. if yahoo enter in deal with overture it has to make settlement with google and miva or look for court's decision.court case against overture was one of the reason for delay in buying overture.
    Priyanka sharma

  7. I think pepsico has done a wonderful job by breaking a wall between higher management and workers.
    This would enable the employees to work more heartedly which would ultimately bring profits to the organisation. This is also helpful in maintaining a strong culture in the organisation.
    Shaveta Gupta
    MBA – 1(A)


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